Pig Mai (voiced by Christine Kavanaugh) originally came to Hogett's farm as a gift in the amusement show, where the animals perform their duties and stick to their posts, Zhu Mai is just an inconspicuous member of it, although Zhu Mai seems clumsy, but he is kind-hearted and friendly, and gradually became popular with all kinds of animals, and the noble sheepdog is even more caring for it. The sheepdog couple Rex (voiced by Hugo Weaving) and Fly (voiced by Miriam Margles) specialize in herding sheep on the farm, and Rex is used to treating what he sees as stupid sheep in a rough manner. In order to prove his worth, Pig Mai concentrates on learning sheep herding techniques from the sheepdogs, but the tough tricks he learns from Rex fail in front of the sheep. Fortunately, Zhu Mai gradually mastered the doorway, and the technology progressed rapidly.
Starring: Kristen Kavanaugh, Miriam Margolis, Hugo Weaving
Tencent Video
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TV series
Pig Mai (voiced by Christine Kavanaugh) originally came to Hogett's farm as a gift in the amusement show, where the animals perform their duties and stick to their posts, Zhu Mai is just an inconspicuous member of it, although Zhu Mai seems clumsy, but he is kind-hearted and friendly, and gradually became popular with all kinds of animals, and the noble sheepdog is even more caring for it. The sheepdog couple Rex (voiced by Hugo Weaving) and Fly (voiced by Miriam Margles) specialize in herding sheep on the farm, and Rex is used to treating what he sees as stupid sheep in a rough manner. In order to prove his worth, Pig Mai concentrates on learning sheep herding techniques from the sheepdogs, but the tough tricks he learns from Rex fail in front of the sheep. Fortunately, Zhu Mai gradually mastered the doorway, and the technology progressed rapidly.
1995 Comedy, Adventure
The determination to run away
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Chinese Simplified