The story is set on the continent of Arad, and mainly tells the story of Arad that takes place 200 years later. In this futuristic world with a highly developed technological civilization, the addition of magic and martial arts elements has reinterpreted the original professional role, and the protagonist lineup starts a new legendary journey from the campus as students.
Arad's Gate of Fate
Brief introduction
2016 Action, Hot Blooded, Inspirational, AnimeUpdate:
2023-02-19 00:20:03
The story is set on the continent of Arad, and mainly tells the story of Arad that takes place 200 years later. In this futuristic world with a highly developed technological civilization, the addition of magic and martial arts elements has reinterpreted the original professional role, and the protagonist lineup starts a new legendary journey from the campus as students.
Starring: Cao Xupeng, Qiao Shiyu, Jiang Guangtao, Shan Xin, Zhang Jie, A Jie
Brief introduction
The story is set on the continent of Arad, and mainly tells the story of Arad that takes place 200 years later. In this futuristic world with a highly developed technological civilization, the addition of magic and martial arts elements has reinterpreted the original professional role, and the protagonist lineup starts a new legendary journey from the campus as students.
Starring: Cao Xupeng, Qiao Shiyu, Jiang Guangtao, Shan Xin, Zhang Jie, A Jie
The story is set on the continent of Arad, and mainly tells the story of Arad that takes place 200 years later. In this futuristic world with a highly developed technological civilization, the addition of magic and martial arts elements has reinterpreted the original professional role, and the protagonist lineup starts a new legendary journey from the campus as students.
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