Kamen Rider Gabe is a tokusatsu drama produced by Toei Co., Ltd. in Japan, which will be broadcast on TV Asahi every Sunday from September 1, 2024. This work is the 39th installment in the Kamen Rider series. Lurking monster threats, monsters from another world, Sucrose Man. People don't know that they have entered secretly
Episode 10
The protagonist Hammer Hammer is an ordinary young man who is optimistic, kind, and has dreams, and a series of ridiculous stories unfold around him. Using animation as the carrier, the small stories that happen in daily life are interpreted in a light-hearted and humorous way, so as to resonate with the audience and convey positive energy, which is deeply loved by fans.
It's really embarrassing
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Vegetables are not lonely in the 26th season
I'm a criminal policeman
Episode 8
Episode 9
Sigu Film and Television, Advanced On-Demand, Free Drama, Watch Online, Instant Noodles, Daily, Inspirational, Healing, Funny, Family Carnival, Anime