The first theatrical anime adaptation of the smartphone game app "Fate/Grand Order" and the sequel to "Fate/Grand Order the Movie: Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot" based on the popular episode "The Sixth Singularity". Jerusalem in 1273 A.D. Arriving in this land where three forces confront each other, the itinerant knight Bedivere and Chaldean join forces with the "mountain people" to defeat the Lion King and the "Knights of the Round Table" who build a chalk castle and slaughter his people. After a fierce battle to the death, they propose an alliance to the powerful "Sun King Ozymandias". However, Ozymandias reveals the Lion King's plan and rejects the alliance in order to protect his people. Knowing the true intentions of the Lion King, Bedivere and his friends begin to advance to the holy city of Camelot in order to thwart their purpose.
The first theatrical anime adaptation of the smartphone game app "Fate/Grand Order" and the sequel to "Fate/Grand Order the Movie: Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot" based on the popular episode "The Sixth Singularity". Jerusalem in 1273 A.D. Arriving in this land where three forces confront each other, the itinerant knight Bedivere and Chaldean join forces with the "mountain people" to defeat the Lion King and the "Knights of the Round Table" who build a chalk castle and slaughter his people. After a fierce battle to the death, they propose an alliance to the powerful "Sun King Ozymandias". However, Ozymandias reveals the Lion King's plan and rejects the alliance in order to protect his people. Knowing the true intentions of the Lion King, Bedivere and his friends begin to advance to the holy city of Camelot in order to thwart their purpose.
The first theatrical anime adaptation of the smartphone game app "Fate/Grand Order" and the sequel to "Fate/Grand Order the Movie: Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot" based on the popular episode "The Sixth Singularity". Jerusalem in 1273 A.D. Arriving in this land where three forces confront each other, the itinerant knight Bedivere and Chaldean join forces with the "mountain people" to defeat the Lion King and the "Knights of the Round Table" who build a chalk castle and slaughter his people. After a fierce battle to the death, they propose an alliance to the powerful "Sun King Ozymandias". However, Ozymandias reveals the Lion King's plan and rejects the alliance in order to protect his people. Knowing the true intentions of the Lion King, Bedivere and his friends begin to advance to the holy city of Camelot in order to thwart their purpose.
The first theatrical anime adaptation of the smartphone game app "Fate/Grand Order" and the sequel to "Fate/Grand Order the Movie: Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot" based on the popular episode "The Sixth Singularity". Jerusalem in 1273 A.D. Arriving in this land where three forces confront each other, the itinerant knight Bedivere and Chaldean join forces with the "mountain people" to defeat the Lion King and the "Knights of the Round Table" who build a chalk castle and slaughter his people. After a fierce battle to the death, they propose an alliance to the powerful "Sun King Ozymandias". However, Ozymandias reveals the Lion King's plan and rejects the alliance in order to protect his people. Knowing the true intentions of the Lion King, Bedivere and his friends begin to advance to the holy city of Camelot in order to thwart their purpose.